Monday, September 20, 2010

WoW!!! What a weekend!!! Played a gig with the band in thge park friday night.....hung out afterwards to see the band Push Water . I was up bright and early satuday morning to take part in the Buffalo Stampede Parade, I rode on The Horses Mouth Book Store/Coffee Shop's float.....which won second place. I was at the park enjoying the festivities pretty much all day. Then it was time to get the band gear back together and set up for the second nights gig at the park. David Harness of the Corsicanna,Tx band, Dead End Allie, kick the night off with a real cool accustic solo set....followed by Brad Turner doing an improv guitar jam. We (Gypsyhead) took over at around 9pm. It was my second was a hot night and a small crowd...but it didnt bother me at all...,I'll play for 2 people the same as I'd play for 200. I had a great time doing something I truly enjoy. Sunday was a haze to me. I pretty much didnt leave the sofa.


  1. Dave added a whole nuther dimension to ou float in the Stampede Parade. He strummed his guitar illustrating our coffee shop's Open Mic Nights, where we got to know this awesome musician. We're really stoked about his blog and hope the word gets around. He's a cool addition to the music scene here in East Texas...and beyond!

  2. Dudes! You guys had a float! That's great, I wish I could have seen it. I went to the Plano Balloon festival that morning to watch the balloons lift off at sunrise, and raced back to Buffalo for the stampede. Everything seemed to be going on the same weekend!
